Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Sh:/ Permission Denied

EXE 2_Cotes Jury

Great attendance at the workshop but totally inadequate participation in group dynamics and interaction with the teacher. Proposal with use problems (including non-illuminated office), having changed very little since the sketch. Will of "marginalization" of the building expressed in a minor resulting in highlighting the row and a widening of the field. Arguments boat (artist = marginal). Very low quality graphic presentation (with the exception of perspectives).
Attitude workshop to move towards the exchange and called into question.

BOTTARY Sébastien_45
totally inadequate participation in the workshop (two confrontations over the entire project sessions!). The jury can not be the teaching moment that has not been met during the workshop sessions.
The views at the party's base remains very formal and superficial, without sitting on a true reading of the context. The project is also very detrimental to the direct neighbor, so that this point has often been discussed at group and individual corrections. The project poses contamination problems when certain works are collected in one space whose size is not appropriate (eg Flavin / Viola / Gadenne). Configuration problem also input system that is confronted too directly to the steps. The record is incomplete (missing facade, facades 1cm / m, too few prospects) and the graphical representation is problematic, both instruments show of hands.
A change in methodology of work will absolutely take place during the second half.

CORSINI Ludovico_40
insufficient presence and participation in the workshop which is just as (one confrontation of the project on all sessions).
File incomplete. In the circumstances, no further specific comment to what has been oral statement during the jury will be made.

GENDRON Audrey_30
The continued presence and the many presentations did not allow the student to offset the enormous difficulties endured in his personal life, difficulties that have failed to set the conditions of serenity and availability of sufficient mental to a satisfactory job. The project presented significant difficulties in dimensioning, traffic, catch light, expression. The record is also incomplete. Ways appear at this stage and given the circumstances short of the expectations a second bachelor.

GONELLA Adrien_30
Great attendance at the workshop but inadequate involvement in trade with the teacher. Proposal
Introducing major problems of practice (including cafeteria), sizing (including stairs) and spatial structure: ground floor ancillary functions organized around abruptly; staircase "relief" to the outside to expression and the situation problematic. No exploration of the project by cutting.
Lack of current students serving his strong will.

LEVAUX Aline_45
Totally inadequate participation in the workshop (two confrontations of the project on all the sessions!). The jury can not be the teaching moment that has not been met during the workshop sessions.
The project has problems of design (eg spaces allotted to Dan Flavin) and associations problems or incongruous works (Alif / Gursky, Gadenne / Viola). The assignment of one empty double height entry system is very promising for the exhibition space (the operation of vacuum remains very limited and not optimized in terms of relations between different levels). The superimposition of the functional division and volume division also makes the project rigid in its operation in its path, in its distribution. Decreasing the volume and spool attached are also problematic. The graphical representation is also improving.

Mierop Judith_48
very presence on the workshop and totally inadequate participation in the workshop (two confrontations of the project on all the sessions!). The jury can not be the teaching moment that has not been met during the workshop sessions.
The project has not fundamentally changed from the draft. Critics who had been laid on the stairs "technical" then on the corner and the risks incurred by Manichaeism a closed facade to street and open space and garden were not genuinely integrated into the proposal final. The staircase is similar except it moves and concentrates all the vertical circulation. The purpose of the work on the architectural promenade and the course is little explored in what should have the power to know the cut, visual sequences, rhythms, space research in natural light etc .... The graphical representation also remains expressive.
a major effort to participate and work should definitely be developed during the second half.

MONSON Jessica_42
Great attendance at the workshop with irregular attendance. Proposal
still floating at this stage, the unfinished nature, with problems of design (stairs, space Afif, Gursky), graphic representation of spatial structure (columnar space Wéry). Integration problem of Viola to outer space. Work cut artificial minor and lackluster of spatiality. Artificiality of the descent into the temporary exhibition space. Volumetries additions anecdotal.

PURNELLE Julien_30
totally inadequate participation in the workshop (a confrontation of the project on all sessions!). The jury can not be the teaching moment that has not been met during the workshop sessions. Proposal
unsophisticated having problems confronting the context. Confusion of ideas without hierarchy.