Monday, January 10, 2011

Maytag Performa Washer Parts Diagram Pav3360


Two years of qualifying contract alternately and nearly two years ai: difficult to summarize in eighteen pages. Here are the highlights (?) Life of Julie during these four years here.

For this album I was loosely based on the article "Create your album" Spirit appeared in Scrapbooking HS in December 2010.
The album cover (30 x 10) was carried out in strong cardboard covered with cloth. Pages interior are made from a cardboard box that I get in supermarkets: that the interlayer between two rows of packs of milk that I cut to size and that I decorate. Everything is connected to the Blind it all.

I chose to write the journaling by hand on paper torn recovered in a ledger heather in a garage sale.

In this album, many pages are decorated with shredded paper: book, music scales, ledger.

fleurssont Most of my clothing. You've seen the first 3 pages and last. To see the complete album, click HERE .


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